Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My favourite Canadians

Following a pretty non-sensical argument with someone on whether Canada has its own voice, musicwise... Guess we are all entitled to our opinions, and mine are youtubebookmarked. Unfortunately I could not find everything I wanted to list, but will expand as I stumble upon new things. Sooooooooooo, in no particular order, somewhat lacking in due respect to genre and chronology:

Guess Who with their Tin Soldier Classic

Another flash-back to the 60's, Lords of London & "Time Waits for Noone"

Hop, step and jump through time (and taboos) to my favourite Weird Al (Yankovich), Canadian Idiot

The sugar-coating for the previous item, April Wine, and "Tonight is a Wonderful Time to Fall in Love".... Yikes, too sweet, I am on a diet, but the song is cool.

While still on the romantic wave, this one - "It's Just One of Those Things..." and Diana Krall - is much more to my liking in any imaginable way.

Simon Frisk Trio, "A Better Day"

Mark Atkinson Trio, pulling at my heart strings (and they do have the expertise to pull strings, jazz guitars, oh yeah) - they are just great :)

... followed by a guy who knows how to press the right keys at the right moment, jazz pianist Claude Marc Bourget...

If you could read my mind, love... Gordon Lightfoot. An all-time favourite.

Just "Closing Time" (Leonard Cohen) - last but by no means least!

Suggestions welcome! :) Except Celine Dion please - I am afraid I don't like her.

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